Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve 2009

I spent a quiet day at home today with my 3 angels: Jean Carlos, Britany and Johanita. They are enjoying some of the new toys purchased with donations from Berea Vineyard Church. Thanks to all of you for your kindness and generosity!

Happy New Year!!!!

Please lift Johana up in prayer, she has been quite sick recently. we are waiting for some test results after the holidays. Thank you!!

Sharing the Christmas Story...

Monday December 28th:
What an awesome Christmas this is turning out to be. It is an honor and a privilidge to be sharing it with these Nicaraguan children and their families. I helped with ANOTHER CHRISTMAS PARTY, for 100 children today. Donuts and soda, and gifts galore.
Thanks to Leo and Charity!
(not pictured here:) ) God Bless!

This is what Christmas is all about! Sharing the love of Jesus :)

God's abundant provision.

Sunday December 27th:
Christmas party hosted by missionaries Leo and Charity was a HUGE success. Over 500 meals of arroz con pollo were served, followed by delicious chocolate Christmas Cake. I cannot express how much joy it brought me to be just a small part of this outreach. Every child got a gift too!! I am astounded by God's amazing, abundant provision. He is so faithful, loving, kind and merciful. Thank you LORD, gracias a Dios!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Boxing Day in El Crucero

December 26th
After a morning with the babies, I carried on to a town called El Crucero to help prepare for a Christmas Party for 500 underpriviliged children - hosted by missionaries Leo and Charity. We had about 1000 balloons to blow up and tie together to decorate the center, and yards of crepe paper to cut up to make streamers. I met some wonderful Christian ladies. It was a special time of fellowship, laughing and sharing life stories as we worked together to get it all done it time. Looking forward to the party tomorrow!!

My Christmas Day 2009

Jean-Carlos 15 months,Britany 14 months and 10 month old Johana.

The center was closed for a few days over Christmas so I took 3 of the babies home with me. It was a busy and blessed time. They still get nervous being away from their familiar surroundings. You can see the anxiety in their expressions as I get up to take the photos, I have to reassure them I am not going to leave them. They play close to me, checking all the time to be sure I am still there.

Bath time in the sink :)

Christmas Party at Vida Nueva

December 23rd

We had our Christmas party at the center. There were gifts for all the children. They all looked so beautiful dressed up in their Christmas outfits! Thank you LORD!

Merry Christmas!

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

more field trips

Many of the children get nervous when they are taken outside the gates of their secure environment at the center. So one of my goals is to take them out more often to get them accustomed to "the outside world." So to enjoy the season of Christmas, we spent most of last week going out and around town to enjoy the Christmas decorations. We went out for pizza one night and waited for the sun to set so we could see all the lights. It was so pretty. The children loved dancing and singing to the Christmas music too. I am blessed to be sharing Christmas with these little angels!

A Christmas field trip to The Mall.

December 15 : I took 8 of our children on a field trip to The Gallerias Mall to see the Christmas decorations and join in the festivities. It was their first visit to The Mall, the nannies too. And we went for a ride in the elevator, 1st time for the children and nannies too! We had fun.
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Johanita and Carlita

December 13th. I picked up 3 year old Carla early this morning so she could come to church with me, then we spent the rest of the day together!

December 11th. 10 month old Johanita needs lots of extra help with her physical development. I went with her to a physical therapist today to learn how we can best help her.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Starting afresh/December 10th 2009

! Hola, buenos dias, como estas?
Hello, how are you?

My thanks to all the folks who helped with the rummage sale last weekend and those of you that bought coffee. I appreciate your dedication to supporting the work of The LORD here in Nicaragua.

After a short visit to South Florida, I made it back safely to Nicaragua yesterday, Wednesday, ready to start afresh.

WHAT WILL THAT LOOK LIKE? Using developmental assessments, I plan to continue working with the children at Vida Nueva (New Life) one on one and in small groups to encourage them to reach their full potential in all areas of development. Last month we introduced a basic pre-school style daily program. Implementing this new program will be my main focus for the next few months.

John Carlos learns to build with one on one encouragement.

Nicaraguans are relational people by nature. Everything revolves around relationships, so my goal for December is not only to work with the children but also to work on strengthening relationships with the nannies too. This is the main reason I felt the need to be back here for the holidays. I want to encourage the nannies by being there with them and for them. After all, we will need to work on this together as a team in order for the children to reap the benefits of the new program.

Your prayers and financial support are very much appreciated! Thank you for being part of the team! May you enjoy increased blessings as you “draw closer to God and He will draw closer to you.” James 4:8, a promise from our Father.

Love, andrea :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Greetings! Many of you have shown an interest in keeping more up to date on what is happening in Nicaragua. So I finally got around to starting a blog. I will try to write every week and include photos so we can take advantage of the 21st century technology and bridge the gap between us. I invite you to join in the communication by leaving your comments.

I have been living in Nicaragua for almost 3 years, and am currently serving in a children’s home that houses little ones from birth – 6 years old. At this time we have 23 children who have been brought to us by the local authorities, the Ministry of Families. The children have suffered severe traumas and are victims of abuse, neglect, abandonment and/or suffering from chronic malnutrition. Due to no fault of their own, they are some of the most disadvantaged children in the poorest country in the entire Western Hemisphere.

I consider it a privilige and honor to be a part of God’s plan for restoring grace in the lives of these children. I look forward to sharing life with you, praise and prayer requests and I invite and encourage you to partner with me in ministering to these angels God has placed in our care.

“Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me…” Mark 9:37 a

So check back often for more news n views from Nicaragua!

Blessings galore!