Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Thank you for your prayers during this time of transition. 

I enjoyed my month subbing at NCA and working with the children I told you about while their parents  were in USA, but all is quiet on the Western Front again. I know I am to wait on The LORD but have to confess I do not do waiting very well. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying this time to catch up on getting organised and ready for the next step in ministry here. 

There are several different projects I could start working on, but am not feeling led  to take any of them on at this time. I feel I need to be ready and available whenever God brings me the children He has for me to care for. I sometimes get up in the middle of the night to pray for them, the little ones who are suffering and who will come, even though I don't know any of them by name yet. I know He does and am waiting on His perfect timing. 

I am working with Antonio, a 5 year old boy from one of the orphanages. He needs to go to therapy on Wednesdays, so I enjoy spending that time with him, and helping him to learn english. A dear friend of mine is in the process of preparing to adopt from Nicaragua, so please keep her in your prayers: hopefully it will work out for her to take Antonio into her family.

On Saturdays you can still find me in Los Cedros working with the community God has placed on my heart since I moved here in 2007. Angela continues on with her feeding program, God's Jewels, despite a major setback this past week when her Grandmother passed away. We are so gratefull to all of you who provide the finances for this program, we could not do it without your help. Especially since I gave up my full time ministry at NCA in June. I walk daily by Faith knowing God has each of my days written in His book before one of them ever come to be.


I am also making the most of my time in waiting by digging deeper into The Word.  As well as studying Beth Moore's "The Patriarchs." I have enrolled in classes with an online Bible Institute recommended by Don and Cindi Marsh. I just completed my first course and got 100 percent on my first exam. Eagerly looking forward to the next class.  

I am still praying for a speedy resolution regarding my Nicaragua immigration deposit. I am waiting to hear how much I have to pay for settlement: it could be anywhere from $500 to $2,000. 

My dental work is still in process, and while I am grateful for this opportunity, I am not enjoying it one bit! It has been the most uncomfortable, painful experience I can remember. I am getting used to drinking most of my meals these days, the liquidiser is getting a work out! Thanks Theresa for the chicken broth you sent me back with, it has been one of my lifelines. Along with a dear friend here who brings me soft foods to eat. She sent me home with garlic mashed potatoes yesterday, thank you!!!

It was about this time last year that the Vineyard commissioned a small team to come and visit some of God's Ministries here in Nicaragua. It was such a great encouragement to me and I look back on that time with fond memories and hope now of another visit soon! 

I do have prayer requests from some of you and I can assure you I lift them up to The LORD. Feel free to email me if I can pray for something specific for you and your family.  Thank you!

Please join me in praising God and thanking Him for His continued provision and protection. All Glory and Honor to Him.

May His will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven.

And may we have the wisdom to know what our part is in His plan.

May God lavish His extravagant blessings on you. Amen!

hugs from me x