Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Hi Folks!

Pinch me, for real? Yes, it is really happening!!!!! Overflow, abundance, dreams coming true!

On December 1, 2013 the doors will open at the home I've been dreaming of for the past 5 years. A place where I can care for children in need in a family atmosphere. Those of you who have partnered with me at various stages of this  adventure know that this has been a long time coming!   

I will start out with 8 children living with me: two 6 year olds and the other 6 children ages 2 and under. I am partnering with another missionary couple to help meet the current needs in Nicaragua in conjunction with the local Ministry of Family. (MOF)

There has been a shift on the adoption scene lately. A good one. God has moved on the hearts of those in authority, and adoptions are going through so much quicker these days. There have also been changes in the adoption laws: one change is for babies who are abandoned at birth in hospitals. They can now go directly to a pre approved family to be adopted immediately, and not even have to go through the doors of an orphanage. This is huge!!!! In the past I have seen such cases take up to 5 years to be approved. The child has then spent the first 5 years of their life in an orphanage and has to then transition into "normal family life."

All this to say, there are now fewer babies and children in orphanages. Great!! May I add,  in the words of a dear friend, that it should never have been our intention to "warehouse children." Our goal should  always be to place them within a family unit as soon as possible and have them grow and develop in the way God intended for each one of us. Let's face it, God designed the family unit.  And that is how I plan to operate this new home.  So no, I am not opening up an orphanage! I am simply opening up my home to those children in need for as long as they need it.  I have the love of a Mother, the love of a  Grandmother and more important, the Love of God to share with them. (and by The Grace of God, I believe we have favor with The MOF!)

I just want a normal life for each one of these children. I want them to do normal things, like going to the grocery store with me, going to church with me, and all the normal things a family would do together! I remember once taking a boy from one of the orphanages grocery shopping with me. He was about 5 years old. He screamed as I picked him up and put him in the trolley (translated cart in USA?). I had no idea why he was so scared, but then found out he thought I was putting him in a cage. He had never seen a grocery cart before and didn't know what was happening to him! 

For me, this home is such a special gift from The LORD, an answer to prayer!

Please join us in continued prayer and praise to Our Father:

* for His continued guidance and provision, we cannot and will not do this without Him!
* safety and protection for all of us in the home
* for the right people to work with us. May God bring us good, honest followers of Jesus to work in unity with the children He places in our home.
* for sincere hearts at all times, may all we do be motivated by a genuine love for Christ and a desire to do His will. May we win others to Christ by example, by being the Living Bible to others.
* May we always have attitudes of gratitude!

Father we thank you for this opportunity to be co laborers with your Son, Jesus.

By The Way: I will still be working with the feeding program in Los Cedros: God's Jewels and will send an update on that soon. Thanks!

Blessed to be a blessing, 
In His Hands,

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Thank you for your prayers during this time of transition. 

I enjoyed my month subbing at NCA and working with the children I told you about while their parents  were in USA, but all is quiet on the Western Front again. I know I am to wait on The LORD but have to confess I do not do waiting very well. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying this time to catch up on getting organised and ready for the next step in ministry here. 

There are several different projects I could start working on, but am not feeling led  to take any of them on at this time. I feel I need to be ready and available whenever God brings me the children He has for me to care for. I sometimes get up in the middle of the night to pray for them, the little ones who are suffering and who will come, even though I don't know any of them by name yet. I know He does and am waiting on His perfect timing. 

I am working with Antonio, a 5 year old boy from one of the orphanages. He needs to go to therapy on Wednesdays, so I enjoy spending that time with him, and helping him to learn english. A dear friend of mine is in the process of preparing to adopt from Nicaragua, so please keep her in your prayers: hopefully it will work out for her to take Antonio into her family.

On Saturdays you can still find me in Los Cedros working with the community God has placed on my heart since I moved here in 2007. Angela continues on with her feeding program, God's Jewels, despite a major setback this past week when her Grandmother passed away. We are so gratefull to all of you who provide the finances for this program, we could not do it without your help. Especially since I gave up my full time ministry at NCA in June. I walk daily by Faith knowing God has each of my days written in His book before one of them ever come to be.


I am also making the most of my time in waiting by digging deeper into The Word.  As well as studying Beth Moore's "The Patriarchs." I have enrolled in classes with an online Bible Institute recommended by Don and Cindi Marsh. I just completed my first course and got 100 percent on my first exam. Eagerly looking forward to the next class.  

I am still praying for a speedy resolution regarding my Nicaragua immigration deposit. I am waiting to hear how much I have to pay for settlement: it could be anywhere from $500 to $2,000. 

My dental work is still in process, and while I am grateful for this opportunity, I am not enjoying it one bit! It has been the most uncomfortable, painful experience I can remember. I am getting used to drinking most of my meals these days, the liquidiser is getting a work out! Thanks Theresa for the chicken broth you sent me back with, it has been one of my lifelines. Along with a dear friend here who brings me soft foods to eat. She sent me home with garlic mashed potatoes yesterday, thank you!!!

It was about this time last year that the Vineyard commissioned a small team to come and visit some of God's Ministries here in Nicaragua. It was such a great encouragement to me and I look back on that time with fond memories and hope now of another visit soon! 

I do have prayer requests from some of you and I can assure you I lift them up to The LORD. Feel free to email me if I can pray for something specific for you and your family.  Thank you!

Please join me in praising God and thanking Him for His continued provision and protection. All Glory and Honor to Him.

May His will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven.

And may we have the wisdom to know what our part is in His plan.

May God lavish His extravagant blessings on you. Amen!

hugs from me x

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Happy Birthday to you Fernanda!!!

Saturday September 21st: today is Fernandas 2nd birthday!
 Sad that this is her birthday meal, on the floor in the dirt. Yet rejoicing and thankful that she has food. It/s all a matter of perspective really..... thank you for allowing me to be a small part of their lives LORD, I truly love these little ones, your precious children.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Abuelita/Mamita Maria

When I left for the USA in June this year, Angela's Grandma was healthy and happy. Here is a photo of her with her daughter Sonya and two of her grandsons, Angela's brothers.

Angela's Mother, Sonya, with her Mother: Doña Maria, and two sons, Angela's brothers!

Mamita Maria with her newest grandbaby Ruth in July this year. (Not April as the photo notes!)

When I got back in August, I was surprised to hear she is now bedridden and very sick. She cannot eat solid food and is losing weight rapidly. She complained of being dizzy and weak and was unable to even sit up. I took her a large can of Ensure to help her get some nourishment. Sonya said it helped her get her appetite back and she is now eating a little rice and soup. 
One of the girls I have been looking after prays for Grandma Maria and lays on healing hands: with the pure faith of a child.

One of the teens I have been looking after prays fervently for miracles of healing.

Some of the children from my church came with me to pray for healing for Abuelita Maria.
This photo was taken back in June at one of our Saturday afternoon lunches with God's Jewels.
Please join us in prayer for a miracle of healing for Doña Maria.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

News from NICARAGUA!

June/July/Destination USA: it was good to travel and visit so many great friends and family across the USA. Many thanks to all who shared amazing hospitality and love!

And what kind of a Grandma would I be if I didn’t mention the highlight of the trip: the birth of my new grandson London David Burgess. 

June 19th 2013 / 8:21 am /  8lbs 3 oz
London David Burgess
He is healthy, happy and so handsome / I am totally in love with him. I snuggled with him as often as I could, knowing how hard it would be to say farewell. I enjoyed every waking minute, and even watched over him as he slept!  I am very thankful for the gift of being present at his birth. The miracle of watching a new life emerge and hearing the newborns first cries never get old.... I am in awe of the gift of life itself. 

August/Back in Nicaragua: after just a couple of days in a guest house, I found a very nice one bed apartment to move into. I borrowed a mattress and slept on it on the floor until I was able to get help moving in about a week later. It is smaller than where I was living before, so am getting ruthless about sorting through stuff and giving away all the things I really don’t need anymore! 

Opportunities to serve opened up immediately once I was back. First, I helped to care for 4 children ages 1 to 7 while their mother travelled out of Nicaragua for a wedding. Secondly, I was asked to look after 3 children, ages 4, 5 and 16 for a month. Their parents had to return to USA with another sibling who needed further surgery and treatment in her battle with cancer. So I get to hang out with these precious angels, and the cool thing about this is that I looked after the two younger ones when they were babies! Now adopted into a wonderful Christian home, it is so encouraging to see what God has done in their lives. With God nothing is impossible! Some of you may remember baby Gabriella.

Me and baby Gabriella Christmas 2009

Gabriella on the L with her sister Sadie, last week.

On top of all this, I have the privilege of being substitute teacher at NCA for about a month. I covered a few classes teaching English at first, and am now covering Special Education for kinder through 12th grade. It has been such a blessing to be back at NCA again. As you can see, never a dull moment.

Please join me in prayer about the next step in ministry. I know God has placed children in critical need on my heart and I am confident that He will guide me in the right direction.  
visiting children in the city dump, Managua

I thank you all for your continued support with prayers, love, hospitality, encouragement and finances,
My dear friends, as Heidi Baker writes in her book "Compelled by LOVE.” I pray that you may have the riches of the poor because as Matthew 5v3 says: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is The Kingdom of Heaven."

With love in Christ,
From me

Andrea J

Monday, May 20, 2013

Missions Trip to Juigalpa.

Many thanks to all of you who prayed for our missions trip to Juigalpa.

It was a long drive with lots of preparation, but well worth it! There were about 20 of us that went from our church here in Managua. When we arrived on Friday, we went out into the community and did an outreach for the children as well as a service for the adults.

We gave the lesson about The boy who shared his lunch with Jesus. Five loaves and two fishes. Afterwards, we gave out clothing and beans and rice. When we got back we had about half an hour before the evening service at the church started, so we went out evangelizing door to door inviting people to the church.

The service was amazing. During our Praise and Worship we felt The Power of The Holy Spirit among us and remained in a spirit of worship for quite some time. The Holy Spirit's presence was the Word for the night. Healing. Restoration.

We heard testimonies of emotional, spiritual and physical healings. Thank you LORD!

We slept on the floor of the church that night, then up early the next morning to start all over again.


Saturday we had many meetings going on simultaneously. I headed up a children's program from 9 am to noon, then did some teacher training with one lady who was willing to listen. The church does not currently have a children's ministry, but she was eager to listen and learn. We are praying that she can start one really soon. I left her some information to study and hopefully she can enlist some more help and train them also.

The Pastor and his family said our visit was perfect timing. They were going through a really tough time as a church, with very little help, and they were financially broke! Because of generous donations from the congregation of our church, we were able to give out more clothing, rice and beans and even leave a financial donation for them. Thank you for your perfect timing LORD.

The Pastor's wife was diagnosed with brain cancer some time ago. She had surgery that left her vision impaired. We prayed with her for total healing and recovery, believing God for miracles. We plan to keep in touch with them and hope to go back and visit as God wills.

Once again, thank you for your prayers, and know that your donations contribute to events like this through my tithes and offerings to my local church here.

May you be richly blessed as you share God's Kingdom with others.

from me x

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May Day!

Greetings my friends and family,

Thankyou. Yes, “thank you” are the first words on my mind when I think of you. Phil 1v3 Thank you for your continued support with: prayers, words of encouragement, finances, ideas, emails and fb messages!

All is well here in Nicaragua. Still crazy hot, but the rains are due any day now so that should cool things down a little.

Although then it will be hard to get the laundry dry! I remember the first year I was here. So many things just went moldy and had to be thrown away because it rained so much we could never get things dry. Oh, while on the subject of laundry, here is a pic of my outside "laundry room." I enjoy doing hand washing, even though it is time consuming. I play praise and worship music full blast and sing my heart out!
That old toilet brush works wonders for getting stubborn stains out of the laundry!

A couple of weeks ago one of my fillings fell out. An old one from years ago. And I mean years ago! I haven't had any dental work done, other than cleanings, for too many years to mention. I made an appointment to get it fixed, and ended up coming out with a whole list of things to be done!! Funny how at my last cleaning about 6 months ago, at another dentist, I got the all clear! Anyway, one of my goals for this year was to get my teeth taken care of. So I went to get all the x rays and so on, and to cut a long story short: if I didn't get braces fitted to straighten my teeth, they would eventually push each other out! Yikes! I had the top ones fitted last week. I go back again on May 6th. Thankfully, it is much more affordable here than in USA and I trust The LORD will provide the finances to cover the costs over the next year.

I am loving life at "mi casita," my little house. I bought some paint and will attempt to get it done over the next few weeks. Here are some pics of my options regarding a nican ladder!
Here is the first option to get to those high places!
I think I prefer this option...

You can tell the size of my house by the car parked infront! It's just right!

Back view of my casita. I love to sit out in the mornings on this back porch with my cuppa and Bible Study, with the birds as my guests

I have been studying James, using Beth Moore and Rick Warren studies. I love it! It is a book that defines Faith, and then tells you how to live it out! James 1v2: Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds… I am learning to live out my Faith more literally daily as the trials keep coming! So when we lack a basic need we are to consider ourselves blessed. LORD, I acknowledge my own inadequacy. I thank you for my weaknesses. What a rich blessing that trains me to rely wholeheartedly on YOU. I know that self sufficiency is a myth perpetuated by pride and temporary success. I know that health and wealth can disappear instantly, as can life itself. I rejoice in my insufficiency, knowing that your power within me is made perfect in my weakness. James 1v2, 2 Corinthians 12v9.

As a church body, we are fasting 50 days for Pentecost. We will end the fast on May 19th. We are praying as a church for the church, but also for the Nation and for personal reasons. I am excited to see what God has planned as we pray through this time.

I know God has directed me to leave NCA and have only 24 more days left of this school year. It will mean the end of my fixed income here in Nica. I am stepping out in Faith and will be totally relying on God for His direction and provision. I am moving into the unknown, but with a known God beside me, who promises never to leave me or forsake me. He is fighting on my behalf and Jesus Christ is up in Heaven interceding for me. So I have peace and I claim the victory promised in Jesus name!

As I sit and drink my morning cuppa, I watch the birds come and go and listen to them singing praises to The LORD, their Creator, and our Creator! I am reminded of the scriptures in Matthew and Luke about how Our God will always provide for us. Luke 12v22/32 and Matthew 6v25/34. Thank you LORD: for salvation for loved ones, for health, for wisdom, discernment, finances for missions, outreaches, dental work, divine appointments, meetings, connections, in order to walk the path You predestined for me long ago. Thank you that you promise to give us everything we ask for in your name LORD.

Vineyard Gainesville: Kit mentioned that we may be able to skype on May 22nd, so I pray that works and I look forward to seeing some of you then.

So I will end as I began. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you!

Living moment by moment for Christ,

Love always,

Andrea x

Jesus you have stolen my heart, I am captivated by you, I am falling deeper in love with you.....

Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter Time!!! A long overdue update!

To my dear Vineyard family: April 1st 2013

It seems like the age of face book has taken over newsletters and even blogs these days. Some people wonder if there is something wrong with you if you don't have a fb account. Few missionaries send out monthly newsletters in print as in days gone by. Sad but true. I want to apologize to all of you who have not heard from me for some time, because all of my updates have been on fb. My blog is sadly in arrears.

You are on my heart more than you know.

The question in church here yesterday, Resurrection Sunday was: What is it in your life that needs resurrecting? Relationships, dreams, goals, visions, finances..... The LORD spoke volumes to me through this message in different areas of my life. One of the things it prompted me to do was to make the time to sit down and write this letter to you. My heart wants to restore the connections with you!

Backing up to Nov/Dec 2012: the Vineyard sent a team out to spend a few days with me and see what God is doing here in Nicaragua. Kit Schuman headed up the team, along with Clifford and Susan Whitman, Carmine Agostino, and Janice Mackenzie. Above all, I was so encouraged by their visit. I know how much it cost them financially, spiritually, physically and emotionally to be here. Yet they paid the price, they were obedient to The LORD's calling and faithful to His plan for this time. It was a grueling schedule as we went from one outreach to another, barely stopping for a break along the way. Yet the fruits of that visit were apparent. Lives were changed, for both the members of the team and those they came into contact with. I could write a book on that week alone, but it may be a better idea for you to contact one of the team to get some firsthand experiences, or write to me individually if you have questions or want more information.

One of the fruits was that a feeding program was started in Los Cedros. A dear friend of mine who had worked with me in the orphanage shared with us her dream of feeding the hungry children in her neighborhood. With no personal resources, she presented a plan to us: for as little as $60 per month she could provide one meal a week for at least 25 children. 5 team members plus me equals 6, so we all agreed to donate $10 each per month for the program to begin. We kicked it off with a big fiesta at Christmas with a piñata and gift bags for all. So, program Gods Jewels started, right there in the Angela’s back yard with a dream and a union of Faith. And Our God is a faithful God; we have witnessed His miracles through this program. As we watch our $15 per week supply enough food for more than 40 children, we know it is only by His multiplication and we thank Him for still being in the business of miracles in this day and age. Gods Jewels has touched many lives, as we share not only food for the body, but also food for the Spirit, and the knowledge of God’s unconditional love, mercy and forgiveness. We Praise you LORD and give you all the Glory.

January 2013: As most of you know, since I left the orphanage 3 years ago, I have been house-sitting. With no permanent home of my own, due to lack of financial resources, I have moved over 22 times in 3 years. God always amazed me at how He would connect the dots to provide each consecutive home at just the right time. I thank God for His perfect provision during this time; He has certainly taken good care of me. My dream for 2013 however, was to find a home of my own. Although I was always grateful for God's provision, I was getting physically tired of moving so often, and felt limited in how I could respond to requests to help children in need. I was not free to receive them in someone else’s home, so I asked The LORD for a place of my own. I had no idea how He was going to make it happen, which was truly a miracle. Again, let me know if you want more details! The LORD heard my prayer and on Jan 22nd I moved my things onto a sweet little house right next to the school where I work. While it is by no means a mansion or luxury house, it is more than I could ever have asked or imagined. And it is my own private space, Hallelujah, and, I don't have to move out in a few weeks!!! I have a bed and a fridge, so that's all I need for the time being. I love it here!

February 2013: This is my 3rd year as teacher’s assistant at NCA. Well, God worked another miracle in my life and gave me the opportunity to be lead teacher in pre k 2. I had never thought this would be possible since the schools’ ACSI certification requires all teachers to have a 4 year degree, which I do not have. But with God all things are possible! Along with the increased responsibilities came an increase in living allowance, thus making paying the rent a lot less stress. I had wondered what I was going to do, but God had it all worked out from the beginning!

March 2013: Teaching at NCA during the week and doing the feeding program in Los Cedros on Saturdays keeps me busy! Our church now has 2 services on Sundays, one at 9 am in English, and another at 11 am in Spanish. I have been on the leadership team for 3 years and director of children’s ministry for the past 2 years. So Sundays are pretty booked up too. As a church body we just took about 45 members of our congregation on a mission’s trip to a town called Muy Muy. It was about 5 hours drive away, with very rustic conditions. We had a wonderful time and I think someone has posted over 800 photos on fb to prove it! Check it out if you have time, (I don’t, I haven’t seen them all yet!) I enjoyed the whole trip, challenges and all: there was only one bathroom for us all to share! Haha

The children were so ready to be loved on, one of them William Gabriel, even ran back out to the bus as we were leaving for one last hug. His lip was quivering as we said goodbye and I knew right then that we have to go back! This was just the beginning!!

So today is April 1st. This has been my short version of the past few months. There is so much more to share. I wish I could see you in person, to hear your news too. I care about you all and thank you for your continued support with love, prayers, encouragement and finances. I thank you for your understanding when communications are minimal. I often plan time to sit and write, but there are so many variables here. We are often without internet, or it is too slow to work with, or we have no electric, or sometimes it is just too hot to sit in an office and be on a pc.

We are currently in our dry season with March and April being the hottest months. I sometimes get so hot I cannot think, let alone string words together to make a comprehensible newsletter. I am not trying to make excuses; I sincerely apologize to those of you without fb who have not heard from me in a while. Please write back and let me know how you are, I want to know how I can best pray for you.

Theresa has been great about keeping me posted regarding what is happening in general at The Vineyard, and you are constantly in my prayers as my church home and family.

Prayer Requests:

For God's perfect will to be done in and through me and that my every step is directed by Him.

1. Healing for a bad cough I have had since February. I have tried many different meds and finally went to a doctor last week. Many people suffer from respiratory problems here in the dry season. The dusts, pollens, ashes from trash being burned etc, all get hurled into the air by the fierce winds that are also common during this season. So it is considered normal for people to be coughing and have problems breathing. However, I have never had a day sick in my life, even being here since 2007, so it is not normal for me, and I ask that you join me in thanking God for healing, soon.

2. For direction regarding the feeding program:”God's Jewels.” We do not plan to financially support this program indefinitely, and know that God will provide a way to continue it without them being becoming dependant on outside aid.

3. For my next step regarding work. At NCA , every January we have to reconsider our commitment to the school and decide if we want to renew our contract for another school year. On Jan 7th I had to give an answer, and truly felt that I was not to sign up for another year. I met with the director and we prayed together for God’s will to be done. There is a situation at NCA that has come up with one of my students whom I love dearly. I have been approached to help him on a full time, personal basis. I would love to say yes to this request, but want to make sure I stay within God's plan for my time here in Nicaragua.

I remember the words spoken over me before I came: To be a Mother to the Motherless. My dream was to open a home for children in critical need. Not a big institutional place, just a small-scale safe place where these children can be received in love and get the urgent care they need. Last Wed I received a call from the director of a local orphanage here that I have worked with in the past. They had an emergency situation. A 3 year old girl was in hospital with no one to look after her. (The hospitals here are noting like USA, I tried to take pictures but my camera wasn't working. ) So I went and looked after her until they could find a nanny to come and take over. She and her sister had been abused and abandoned by their mother. They need a home where they can be taken care of and restored to health. Then there is Luvianna from El Crucero who is almost completely blind who needs a home in Managua so she can attend a school for the blind here in town. I want to do so much more. I have no doubt that I have been right where God has wanted me up to this point, but am seriously praying about refocusing on the passion of my heart, and the very thing that brought me here to Nicaragua in the first place: to be a Mother to the Motherless.To love God with everything I have, and to love others with that same love, more specifically, those children who have been thrown out, neglected, abused, abandoned.

As we continue to celebrate the Resurrection of Our LORD , I ask you to join me in prayer about the resurrection of my dream. A home for the homeless, love for the unloved, provision for the lost and poor.

As Beth Moore says:”God is practical. He doesn't ask us to do what doesn't matter. What seems to be a drop in the bucket to you could be the wellspring of life to someone about to thirst to their death. “ True religion is all hands on deck and heads out of the sand, as spoken by James in James 1v27. Thank you to all of you who have been anything from a drop of water, to a fountain of well being. EVERYTHING HELPS!!!! To quote Beth Moore again: You don’t live this kind of life accidentally. You make up your mind who you want to be and daily die to the rest. You surrender yourself to living in the tension where you will always be stretched and often broken. Pure and undefiled religion is grit without the grime. You accept that there are easier ways to live, but you were born for nothing less. And when we sniff ourselves and smell the world, we can run to the One who can wash us clean.” He will refresh us and give us what we need to carry on His work in us and through us.

Amen and HAPPY EASTERTIME!!! I love you!