Saturday, January 30, 2010

City Dump/La Chureca/January 22 2010

January 22 nd:

I went with a visiting team to help with a feeding program for some of the children who live in the Managua City Dump: La Chureca. For more information on La Chureca check out this website:

Monday, January 25, 2010

The latest addition to our family

Friday January 22nd 2010: WELCOME to our newest family member...

Maryori Sophia

born on Jan 8th 2010

A trip to the zoo

Friday January 15th:
We had the pleasure of taking 19 of the older children to the zoo with a team that was visiting us on a short term mission trip. I was encouraged to see that the children were more settled on this field trip. For the most part, they were confident and relaxed, hooray! They are getting more accustomed to new environments.
We enjoyed lunch at McDonalds afterwards too! The children were exhausted when they got back, naptime was no problem! When they woke up they asked if they could go back to the zoo! We had a fun day, thanks guys n girls!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Welcome 4 day old baby Santos

Tuesday January 19th: baby Santos came to us today weighing in at only 4 lbs.

Thank you for your prayers for Maritza

Praise God!

Maritza was released from hospital Tuesday January 11th. She is improving daily!

Thank you for your prayers.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Baby in critical condition

Tuesday Jan 5th 2010:
I recieved a call today to pick up a baby in critical need and take her to the hospital. The baby girl had no name, and we had no date of birth, or any other family info. We called her Maritza and she was estimated to be about 4 months old. She has the appearance of a newborn because she is suffering from severe malnutrition. I stayed overnight with her until one of our nannies could change shifts with me the next day. (The public hospitals here are very basic, you have to provide the caregiver and all the supplies: sheets, diapers, towels, soap, etc. ) Maritza had many tests, and is thought to have many serious illnesses to overcome. A long fight ahead of her, but we know that God is a God of healing and of miracles. I know He has a plan for her life. I will keep you updated of her progress.

If this was an unusual case, it would be bad enough. But this is just one of many babies who suffer here in poverty struck Nicaragua. Innocent victims of circumstances, unable to speak up for themselves or defend themselves. This is why I am here. This is why I am here. No, it wasn't a typo, I just want you to know that I feel this so sincerely.

Martitza will be in hospital for about 10 days, she is weak, weighs only 10 lbs and cannot take more than an ounce of milk at a time.

Thank you, with love In Christ, andrea.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world

Friday, January 1, 2010


We stayed home today. Johana seems much better, Praise God and thank you for all your prayers.

Heartfelt thanks to Alyson and Katrin for visiting us today and giving of your time and resources. We enjoyed spending the day with you, and appreciate all your help. Safe travels back to USA Alyson, see you next time! And Katrin, I hope to be seeing you again soon. Please let's keep in touch! You truly are two wonderful, amazing women of God. Love You!!! SO glad I met you! xxxxx