Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Independence Day.

Nicaragua's Independence Day


Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC

September 13, 2010


On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I congratulate the people of Nicaragua on the 189th anniversary of your independence this September 15.

As schoolchildren throughout the country read the Act of Independence of Central America and honor Nicaragua’s long history, we offer our best hopes for a future of opportunity and prosperity for the Nicaraguan people and all the people of the Americas. The United States is committed to working with Nicaragua to deepen the relationship between our countries based on mutual respect and cooperation.

I wish all Nicaraguans a happy independence day and a prosperous, democratic, and peaceful future.

Hillary Rodham Clinton

PRN: 2010/1239

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dia de la Patria! Viva Nicaragua!!!

Last Friday we celebrated Dia de la Patria here at NCA/Nicaragua Christian Academy. I learned a lot about the history and culture of Nicaragua as the children presented their projects at various booths.

Then they performed many of the local folklore dances in full costume. Even the teachers dressed up and danced a traditional number!! We ended the fiesta with a lunch of typical Nican food: gallo pinto, nactamales, pino lillo and more yummy dishes.

Can you find me? back row, 2nd from L

I am blessed to be on the team here at NCA sharing their vision for these students:
Nicaragua is in desperate need of moral leadership. For 100’s of years, Nicaragua’s leaders have made decisions out of a desire for personal gain and have lacked moral integrity, commitment to social justice and compassion towards their people, resulting in widespread poverty and corruption. 55% of NCA’s students are Nicaraguan and will be future leaders in their country. Our vision is to give them hope and a resolution to make a difference in their country. Until leaders are committed to servant leadership based on God’s Word, the economic situation of the poor in Nicaragua will not improve.

my dear friends Golda, Sam and me. (L to R)