Thursday, June 30, 2011

Reflections in Ft Lauderdale

Here I am at Fort Lauderdale airport waiting for a flight that has been delayed at least 4 hours.

That’s OK. God is in control. The older I get the easier it is to say that! I booked a midnight flight, got to the airport 3 hours ahead of time to be prepared, to check in my luggage, get a good seat and make sure everything is in order for the flight. Don’t want to miss the flight, just paid $400 for the ticket! Today was my last day in USA. My focus has been to get ready for this trip back to Nicaragua. Last minute phone calls, last minute errands, oh and packing my suitcase, which can now only be 40lbs. Not enough, I had to get online quickly and book an extra suitcase, so I could bring 80 lbs! Anyway, my focus today has been The Trip. Getting ready, doing what I needed to do in order for it to go smoothly and successfully, for 2 reasons, 1) I want to get back to Nicaragua and 2) I don’t want to lose my $400 investment in the ticket.

So here I am at the airport waiting, I am not in control, no matter how much I plan, things change.

As I reflect on this, the question that comes to mind is how much do we focus on our spiritual journey? That trip has also been paid for. More than $400!! The Life of Jesus was the price. We belong to Him now. Our lives should reflect His Glory and bring honor to His name. Our main focus needs to be on doing what we need to do in order to stay on the path that God has prepared for us. God’s trip!

Backing up a little, the Pastor of my church in Nicaragua has been teaching recently about being led by The Holy Spirit. I remember one particular Sunday he acted out an example of life being led by The Spirit. He put his arm around the shoulders of one of the men in the congregation and walked him around the church saying, “Oh, don’t go that way, it’s dangerous there, go over here, there’s a blessing for you here.”, and “Wait, come here first, there’s someone who needs you to pray for them….” And so on. I thought that looks fantastic, I want that! What do I have to do in order to achieve that kind of guidance? Well, our Pastor didn’t leave us there hanging, he continued the lessons on how to lead a Spirit filled life.

In Psalm 27 David asked the LORD for “one thing” it was an all encompassing “one thing”, and so was mine… as we entered our 40 days of fasting and praying together as a church body my “one thing” was to draw closer to God and have a deeper understanding of who The Holy Spirit is in my life. As I fasted that was my prayer, and as The Holy Spirit began to reveal Himself to me, with specific words, and specific directions about what to do in a given situation, just like the example our Pastor had given us, and I wanted more. I wanted to be even closer, so I stepped up my fasting and prayer time. I wanted to crucify my flesh and live by The Spirit. As I heard more and more from The Holy Spirit and as I followed His directions, I was blessed beyond my imaginings. I started to list all of the blessings, but there was no way I could keep up with God and all that he had for me. Each blessing could be at least a 20 minute story, so I can’t go into all the details, but they were extravagant and rich, much more than I could ever ask or imagine.

Living a life led by The Spirit is amazing, I am learning to see God’s hand at work in everything, even this four hour delay at the airport, is God saying: “Hey, I’ll give you free internet, get to work on all those emails you are behind on, then when you get back to the house, the one I provided for you, you can spend time with me. I’ve got more to show you, more to tell you.

I am at peace here in the presence of The LORD.

Thanks to Spirit Air for the flight and the offer of worldly rewards, non transferrable, I won’t settle for that, I’d rather fly with the one and only Holy Spirit and receive the rewards that are valid for an eternity, no restrictions, no blackout dates!

God wants to lavish His blessings on us, much more than we could ever ask or imagine. So much so, that, as a Prophet I recently met said, ‘The fat will be falling off you onto those around you and you cannot help but be a blessing to others!”
That’s where I want to be. Thank you LORD!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Covenant Church Managua celebrates Children's Day!

I am grateful to have been planted in Covenant Church Managua for this season of life! I love all the community outreaches and activities that we do together as a church family.

Many thanks to all who worked so hard to make Nicaragua's Children's Day very special. We celebrated it in Managua on Saturday and up in Diriamba with our sister church on Sunday. 

The smiles from the little ones say it all. :)

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