I spent the day at home today.
What a luxury! I haven't had a day at home for so long!
I listened to praise and worship music as I organised my things and tidied the house.
And sometimes, I just sat still , just because I could! I enjoyed the quiet. The song of the birds outside and the chuckle of the gekkos inside.
I prayed as I worked, and journalled some too. Not wanting to forget the pleasures of the simple things in life.
Oh the joy of sleeping in past 5 am!
Oh the fulfilment in catching enough rainwater to do a machine load of laundry and water the indoor plants. Hey, rainwater is free, directly from heaven! And if you leave it outside in the 5 gallon bottle long enough, it gets warm in the sun so you can actually do a warm wash! :)
Oh the delight in picking lemons off the tree in the garden and making fresh lemonade. Yummm, what a reward after moving all that furniture around to re-do the house, in the heat of the day.
Oh to throw caution to the wind and sing at the top of your voice without disturbing anyone.
And to shed a few tears in private from the sorrows of the world, but being comforted and lifted up by The One and only I AM.
I AM always here for you. Always have been, always will be.
Thank you Father God, for spending the day at home with me today!