Pinch me, for real? Yes, it is really happening!!!!! Overflow, abundance, dreams coming true!
On December 1, 2013 the doors will open at the home I've been dreaming of for the past 5 years. A place where I can care for children in need in a family atmosphere. Those of you who have partnered with me at various stages of this adventure know that this has been a long time coming!
I will start out with 8 children living with me: two 6 year olds and the other 6 children ages 2 and under. I am partnering with another missionary couple to help meet the current needs in Nicaragua in conjunction with the local Ministry of Family. (MOF)
There has been a shift on the adoption scene lately. A good one. God has moved on the hearts of those in authority, and adoptions are going through so much quicker these days. There have also been changes in the adoption laws: one change is for babies who are abandoned at birth in hospitals. They can now go directly to a pre approved family to be adopted immediately, and not even have to go through the doors of an orphanage. This is huge!!!! In the past I have seen such cases take up to 5 years to be approved. The child has then spent the first 5 years of their life in an orphanage and has to then transition into "normal family life."
All this to say, there are now fewer babies and children in orphanages. Great!! May I add, in the words of a dear friend, that it should never have been our intention to "warehouse children." Our goal should always be to place them within a family unit as soon as possible and have them grow and develop in the way God intended for each one of us. Let's face it, God designed the family unit. And that is how I plan to operate this new home. So no, I am not opening up an orphanage! I am simply opening up my home to those children in need for as long as they need it. I have the love of a Mother, the love of a Grandmother and more important, the Love of God to share with them. (and by The Grace of God, I believe we have favor with The MOF!)
I just want a normal life for each one of these children. I want them to do normal things, like going to the grocery store with me, going to church with me, and all the normal things a family would do together! I remember once taking a boy from one of the orphanages grocery shopping with me. He was about 5 years old. He screamed as I picked him up and put him in the trolley (translated cart in USA?). I had no idea why he was so scared, but then found out he thought I was putting him in a cage. He had never seen a grocery cart before and didn't know what was happening to him!
For me, this home is such a special gift from The LORD, an answer to prayer!
Please join us in continued prayer and praise to Our Father:
* for His continued guidance and provision, we cannot and will not do this without Him!
* safety and protection for all of us in the home
* for the right people to work with us. May God bring us good, honest followers of Jesus to work in unity with the children He places in our home.
* for sincere hearts at all times, may all we do be motivated by a genuine love for Christ and a desire to do His will. May we win others to Christ by example, by being the Living Bible to others.
* May we always have attitudes of gratitude!
Father we thank you for this opportunity to be co laborers with your Son, Jesus.
By The Way: I will still be working with the feeding program in Los Cedros: God's Jewels and will send an update on that soon. Thanks!
Blessed to be a blessing,
In His Hands,