On the way to the feeding program today my car decided to just stop right in the middle of the road. Check engine light on!!! Yikes!!! We prayed! Managed to get it to a safe place then prayed through it. God was there every step of the way and provided for us all day long! Thank you LORD!!! The thunder was roaring and a storm threatening, I prayed The LORD would hold it back a few minutes while we waited for either a bus or taxi, whichever came first. At one point we could see it raining really hard a few meters away from us, but it never rained on us. Then I prayed for a connection to a local mechanic, and Hallelujah, thanks to Sarah Carnagie Weigand, it happened. Then, when the news was that the car couldn't be fixed until Monday I prayed for a way home, and YES, Kara Shay Westermann to the rescue. All of my prayers were answered, over and above anything I could have ever dreamed or imagined today. Our God is amazing, and still in the business of doing miracles. Trust Him, He will never let you down!!! He loves you!!!!