Sunday, November 6, 2011


Written while waiting for a ride to church:

We are being called to a new level of Faith. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Abraham believed, although he couldn't see, and it was credited to him as righteousness.

LORD, give us a double portion of Faith, to believe you. Not just to believe in you, for even the enemy believes you exist, but help us to believe you are who you say you are: Sovereign and Almighty God,  and that you can do what you say you can do. 

We are not here by accident today, we have been called here by name by our Father in Heaven, to Praise Him. Not only because He is worthy of our Praise and because we love Him, but also to break through the powers of darkness for this Nation. The LORD inhabits the praises of His people. Where God's people are praising Him and declaring their love for Him and standing firmly in Faith, united as a church body, the enemy must flee. He cannot stand to be in the presence of worshipers. 

Our praise today needs to come from deep within us, on a new level. I pray for an increase of Faith and believe and trust that God can do what seems impossible here on earth.

Let's get our hearts right before The LORD today. Let's pray for the youth in todays rallies, pray for their hearts. Many are taking part in these rallies to feel like they belong, they crave a sense of purpose and want a "cause" to fight for.They were not created for violence and fighting. We need to forgive them ahead of time for what they may do throughout the elections. Pray that they may realize God's perfect plan for their lives, and the purpose for which He created them.

May God's word come to pass when He says: "Ask and I will give the Nations to you." Almighty, Sovereign God, Father in Heaven, we ask you today to give us the Nation of Nicaragua, for your Glory. And whether we see it today, tomorrow or in years to come, help us to believe your Word and live in Hope that every knee in Nicaragua shall bow down to you. For Hope does not disappoint us , God has poured out His love into our hearts by The Holy Spirit who He has given us. 

I encourage you to exercise your Faith this day, and Praise and Worship God wholeheartedly with your life from this very moment. So that His Glory and Honor will be revealed through our lives. 

In the precious and powerful name of Jesus, name above all names, Amen

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