Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The heat is on!

March is here, and with it the heat. Today was crazy hot, and now as I lay in bed I wonder if sleep will come tonight. Even the fan is blowing hot air. February was wonderful, cool mornings and evenings with a refreshing breeze throughout most of the day. We are in our other season now, the dry season. Gone are the lush greens of the countryside, March's change of scenery brings changing hues of yellow and brown. The ground has dried out and the dust is taking over. I left my Bible open the other day while I went to take care of something, when I returned a short while later, I was horrified to find a fine layer of dust resting upon it.

Many thanks for your prayers for a roof over my head. I was able to find a couple of rooms available for 3 months. I moved in Feb 14th, oh yes, Happy Valentine's Day, or as we say here, “Feliz Dia de la Amistad.” Happy Friendship Day. I like that better! I digress, so I have this place until mid May, and then who knows. I am amazed at God's provision. I am amazed at His works. I am in awe of His ways. He is never early, never late, never has to go to plan B. He is Sovereign God, always with everything under control. Even the seasons know exactly when to change. The minute March arrived, the heat was ushered in bringing all that goes with that. I am reminded of Job 38, when God speaks after 38 chapters of silence, to remind Job who is in charge and why. Then it all makes more sense.

Last week we took Ruby to Pizza Hut to celebrate her 14th Birthday. She is getting stronger daily and is almost walking without anyone helping her. God is still in the business of working miracles. I believe God is who He says He is and that He can do all He says He can do. Hallelujah! Ruby's great feat on her special day was that she learned how to drink out of a straw. Something so natural and normal to the likes of you and me, but for this special angel, she had to wait until her 14th birthday to experience her soda through a straw.

I went up to the children's home in El Crucero again on Friday afternoon after work. Made spaghetti dinner by candlelight, since the electricity had been off since around 9 0'clock that morning. Which meant that there was no running water either. Funny how these things become so normal after several years of living here. Which by the way, on reflection, is five years this month. It was March 2007 when my feet first stepped onto Nicaraguan soil. I digress again, sorry, maybe the heat is getting to me. I can't keep my thoughts in order. Oh yes, speaking of running water, I had no running water in my new abode for the 1st 10 days I was here. No big deal. When there are children dying of disease and starvation, right in front of me, why should I whine about no water? I have a roof over my head and for that I am grateful.

I love going up to be with the children in the orphanage. They always thank me, yet the honor and privilege is mine. I am blessed beyond anything I could ask. To be able to share just a few hours with this wonderful family God has provided, thank you LORD. Two of the children from our church came with us. Is it OK to be so proud of them? Children ministering to children. After helping prepare and serve the meal selflessly and without needing adult direction, one of them took her guitar and led us all into the presence of our LORD with Praise and Worship. The younger of the two then led a devotional. All the children were quiet, everyone listened intently, you could have heard a pin drop as she shared The Word of God in that place. Then the requests for “just one more song” were honored before it was time to close in prayer and say our good nights. I slept well that night with pictures of smiling faces before me and echoes of the children's voices singing praises to God in 3 languages: English, Spanish and Miskito. Father God, I marvel at your creativity, Hallelujah for diversity.

Oh, about my back, it has been getting progressively worse for the past couple of years. I put off going to a doctor for a long time because of financial reasons, but it was getting to the point where I could hardly stand up in the mornings, so I made a couple of appointments to get help. Alas, they did not work out. Either the doctor did not show up, or the X-ray department was closed the day I was scheduled to go. I drove across town during rush hour after work one day, made it to the hospital in one piece, then took my place in line. I waited a fair while for my turn, and had to push to keep my place in the queue, (they line up a little different here in Nicaragua) but I was disappointed to find out that not only was the X-ray department closed that day, but that it had been closed for the past 2 years. Sigh. I know, I know, so why did they schedule me that day for an appointment for X-rays? I don't know, you just don't ask those kind of questions, you leave praying all the way home and thanking God that He knows all things and that I don't have to.

Well, I caved in yesterday and paid 10 percent of my monthly income for an appointment for an adjustment with a visiting chiropractor. The place was so hard to find, I got horribly lost and arrived so stressed out, over 30 minutes late. Which is really 45 minutes late to me being a Brit. Because if I'm not 15 minutes early, I am late. Anyway, my 20 minute appointment may have helped a little. I will continue to do the exercises he suggested and may see him again on his return trip in 6 weeks. I have spent a lot of money repairing my car recently, but am at a point where I feel it's time to get myself repaired. I need to go to a dentist, dermatologist, a back doctor and a vein doctor, so, little by little, I plan to get back in good shape again this year, and extend my expiration date. I'll keep you posted on that one!

So, again, I thank you for being you, for being there for me, for your encouragement and support with prayers and finances, and for keeping in touch. Thank you for caring. Thank you for loving. Whatever happens, whatever things look like, keep loving. Remember God has called us to love even when: we don't want to, we don't feel like it, we get nothing obvious in return, they don't deserve it, they're not worth it, they don't even know it, it makes no difference. Keep loving, it's what you have been called to do, and remember these 3 words:

Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13 v 8.

with so much love In Christ,
from me,

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