It was a long drive with lots of preparation, but well worth it! There were about 20 of us that went from our church here in Managua. When we arrived on Friday, we went out into the community and did an outreach for the children as well as a service for the adults.

We gave the lesson about The boy who shared his lunch with Jesus. Five loaves and two fishes. Afterwards, we gave out clothing and beans and rice. When we got back we had about half an hour before the evening service at the church started, so we went out evangelizing door to door inviting people to the church.
The service was amazing. During our Praise and Worship we felt The Power of The Holy Spirit among us and remained in a spirit of worship for quite some time. The Holy Spirit's presence was the Word for the night. Healing. Restoration.

We heard testimonies of emotional, spiritual and physical healings. Thank you LORD!
We slept on the floor of the church that night, then up early the next morning to start all over again.

Saturday we had many meetings going on simultaneously. I headed up a children's program from 9 am to noon, then did some teacher training with one lady who was willing to listen. The church does not currently have a children's ministry, but she was eager to listen and learn. We are praying that she can start one really soon. I left her some information to study and hopefully she can enlist some more help and train them also.

The Pastor and his family said our visit was perfect timing. They were going through a really tough time as a church, with very little help, and they were financially broke! Because of generous donations from the congregation of our church, we were able to give out more clothing, rice and beans and even leave a financial donation for them. Thank you for your perfect timing LORD.

The Pastor's wife was diagnosed with brain cancer some time ago. She had surgery that left her vision impaired. We prayed with her for total healing and recovery, believing God for miracles. We plan to keep in touch with them and hope to go back and visit as God wills.
Once again, thank you for your prayers, and know that your donations contribute to events like this through my tithes and offerings to my local church here.
May you be richly blessed as you share God's Kingdom with others.
from me x
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